"Highly original and imaginative... a compelling account of the creation of a nine year-old disturbed animated character"
Jerwood Moving Image Awards Press Release

"FRANCIS is a challenging film because of its juxtaposed image of the dysfunctional boy and the psychobabble rhetoric that seeks to define, manage and control him... LMFYFF has embraced drawing not merely as a tool of expression but as a set of codes that fix certain things and require challenge."
Paul Wells in "Drawing for Animation"

"As we, the cartoon fans, might note gleefully, animation, an art of involuntary movement, has used behavioural disturbance, a subjection to involuntary movement, to win out over psychology, a technique of involuntary assessment and treatment."
Esther Leslie in "Francis"

FRANCIS received its UK broadcast premiere on Animate TV on Channel 4 in December 2007. It is distributed by Lux. The film was shortlisted for the Jerwood Moving Image Awards and features in "Drawing for Animation" by Paul Wells and Joanna Quinn. On 20th December 2007 Francis was denied entry to Disneyland, California. Read "Francis" by Esther Leslie.